The National flower of Ethiopia is Calla Lily it is also known as Arum lily, it is a very beautiful flower and is very familiar in Africa, Swaziland etc. They are mostly of white color with tremendous shaped petal.
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Interesting Facts about Calla Lily.
Calla Lily is the member of Araceae Family with Zantedeschia as Genus. They are Available in mostly White in color and Reach their maximum height 2.0-3.3ft. The leaves of this Plant is broad and sharply Dark Green in color and can grow up to 18 inches.At the center of this flower, there is a spadix of Yellowish in color which produces a sweet fragrance It is widely grown in Saint Helena.
Why Calla lily is the National Flower of Ethiopia.
This is not Only the National flower of Ethiopia but Also the National Flower of Saint Helena(Island nation) Because it grows on a large scale. It is the National flower of Ethiopia it is because of its abundance, color and uses. Ethiopian people Consider White calla lilyas the Sign of peace.
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Calla Lily: The National Flower of Ethiopia